How to Join...

You have to be a member of the trade to join our group. That could mean anything from a builder to a developer to a landlord. So long as your purchases are for business purposes. We have introduced this condition so that we don't undercut our members by dealing direct with the general public. Call us and we will walk you through the simple joining process

The annual cost of joining is ONLY £299 incl. VAT*

There are no minimum or maximum purchase conditions. As a member you can buy 1 kitchen or 1000. Obviously the more you buy the more money you will save over the course of the year & you will get greater loyalty rewards when you spend more.

*If you are invited to join or are recommended by an existing member the membership fee will be waived.



You've nothing to lose, and money to gain!

• We offer personalised service and have a dedicated account team to deal with your every needs!
• Flexible buying options, either deal with us direct or we’ll work with your customer